Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Organic Chemistry Tutor on YouTube - What to Look For

Organic Chemistry Tutor on YouTube - What to Look ForFor the interested hobbyist, you can definitely find out who is the organic chemistry tutor on YouTube. There are some people who just jump at the chance to watch videos, or view audio, but they are missing out on a lot.The thing about going to a chemistry tutor and learning how to do the course yourself is that you might miss out on an opportunity to actually make an informed decision. As we all know, people are going to tell you what you want to hear, so if you decide to do it yourself, you're probably going to be making a lot of different decisions.But if you find someone who's going to show you the way, you might end up watching more videos, which will help you learn more about organic chemistry. And in the case of organic chemistry tutor on YouTube, you're going to get a lot of good information. You'll know what to do with your lab, and the instruction that they provide will be useful and helpful.One thing that you have to rem ember when you find someone who's going to be an organic chemistry tutor on YouTube, is that it may not be the same person over again. If you choose the same person every time, you're going to get the same lesson at the same time.In other words, the instructor can change how they show you the material and will still teach it to you the same way. You should always be thinking about whether or not you want to watch a specific video and then take some other time and see if you still like the material that's being taught.So there are some things that you're going to want to think about before you choose to go to organic chemistry tutor on YouTube. But the main thing to keep in mindis that you need to figure out who is the organic chemistry tutor on YouTube.You need to know whether or not you are getting the same material, and at the same time, you need to know if you're getting a quality lecture from an organic chemistry tutor on YouTube. Some people will show you materials that you can not handle, or things that you may not understand, so this is something you want to make sure that you have as well.So, in the end, who is the organic chemistry tutor on YouTube? You want to find out who it is before you make any decisions.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

A High School District and Community Partnership

A High School District and Community PartnershipThe Armstrong School District Tutoring Services is pleased to announce that with the end of the school year comes a new year full of exciting opportunities. In its ten year history, the Armstrong School District Tutoring Services has worked to introduce new and improved tutoring methods and the third best performing high school in the nation, has come to embody the Armstrong School District's vision for a focused and passionate learning environment. The Armstrong schools are an absolute success. The Armstrong School District Tutoring Services would like to thank each and every student, parent, teacher, administrator, director, committee member, and community member who have helped create this fine achievement.The Armstrong School District Tutoring Services strives to achieve excellence in all it does and the Armstrong School District is no exception. As stated above, the Armstrong schools have been recognized as the 3rd best performing high school in the nation. All grades achieved in the school system have a great impact on students' academic and personal growth. Students receive personalized attention, play a vital role in the development of the school's curricula, and are often directly affected by the educational programs offered in the district. It is for these reasons that the Armstrong School District strives to be one of the best high schools in the nation.As stated above, the common goal of the Armstrong schools is to provide exemplary academic and personal education. The Armstrong schools help students achieve both academic and personal goals at the same time by engaging them in activities that foster the personal and intellectual growth necessary for each student. The school district was given a public charter in 1982 and the Armstrong Schools have been steadily improving their academic and personal achievement since then.The Armstrong area continues to offer an outstanding quality of education and a fu n environment. The Armstrong School District Tutoring Services has worked to transform the schools by enhancing the academic and personal development programs they offer to their students. Through this process, the district has built a close working relationship with many key area institutions. This quality of education and improved learning experience have proven to be valuable to the students, staff, parents, and community.Through educational programs, teachers are able to engage and communicate with their students in a more meaningful way. By teaching students to build relationships with one another, staff members are also teaching students how to interact and negotiate the complex social and academic environments they will face on a daily basis. With the assistance of the Armstrong School District Tutoring Services, the Armstrong High School team is also learning how to develop and meet these needs in a healthy and productive manner. More than a source of enrichment and an avenu e for learning, the community of Armstrong is a vibrant learning environment that is constantly being enriched through the instructional services of the Armstrong School District Tutoring Services.With the assistance of the Armstrong School District Tutoring Services, more than sixty children and teens attend numerous community centers, neighborhood programs, and clubs each year. Armstrong residents have contributed millions of dollars in the classroom, athletic, art, and musical equipment and supplies. An extensive amount of these items were donated by local residents. These donations have helped the Armstrong area thrive as a financial and cultural center.From its inception, the Armstrong School District Tutoring Services has been recognized for its dedication and high standards in providing students with the highest levels of academic and personal development. The Armstrong School District Tutoring Services is proud to continue in this proud tradition and to show the world the di fference its employees make in the lives of many Armstrong residents. Please consider this in 2020.

Friday, March 6, 2020

10 Important Differences Between Spanish Portuguese

10 Important Differences Between Spanish Portuguese Sign up successful To help you get started, our friends at LiveLingua  put together a post showcasing some key things to remember. Heres part of the article: 1. Difference between hasta and hacia. In Portuguese there is no hacia preposition. There is the preposition até, but we need to explain the difference very well so students can learn how to use it properly.  In short words, hacia indicates the direction in which we move and hasta the point at which we arrived. 2. The preposition “a” after many verbs. The most common example [in Spanish] is “ir a.” I guess it must be weird for some Portuguese native speakers to use an expression even found in Portuguese, but adding an “a” in the middle. Let’s have a look at this sentence: Vou sair agora ( Portuguese), Voy a salir ahora (Spanish) 3. The position of reflexive pronouns. The rule is very simple. In Spanish, when the tense is either gerund or infinitive, the pronoun merges to the end of the verb. Otherwise when the verb is conjugated, the pronoun is placed before the verb and not joined. Example: dormirse, bañarse; se durmió, te bañaste, etc. 4. False friends or very similar words. Every language has to face this issue. We only learn this when we come across those words. There is a funny word which needs to be clarified: almóndiga. This is a Spanish slang word which means “meatball,” but in Portuguese is pronounced albóndiga. In Portuguese a vagabundo is a person who leads a bad life, while in Spanish it is someone who lives on the street (morador de rua in Portuguese). 5. Muy or mucho? In Portuguese this is easy: muito is the only word compared to those two. Muy is used before adverbs and adjectives, while mucho is placed either before a noun or after a verbs. When we want to make a comparison, we always have to use mucho. Example: Es mucho (no muy!!!) mejor que tú. The article goes on to list five more differences between Portuguese and Spanish continue reading it  here! Now, ready to get started learning Portuguese? Keep these tips in mind: Determine your learning style and goals.  Instead of blindly jumping  into learning, have a plan in place. Are you learning for fun? Do you want to be fluent? How do you learn best? Knowing the answers to these will help you stay on track. Here are some guiding questions to start with. Find a conversation partner. The most important part of learning a new language is understanding the context and having real conversations with others, and practice makes perfect! Instead of simply memorizing vocabulary words, make the effort to talk and listen! Work with a tutor.  Taking 1-on-1 lessons with a language tutor is a great way to get that conversation practice. TakeLessons offers both Portuguese tutors and Spanish tutors to help you improve. Readers, do you have experience learning both Portuguese and Spanish? Leave a comment below and let us know your thoughts! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Learn Spanish Fast

How to Learn Spanish Fast How Can You Learn Spanish Quickly? ChaptersHow to Become Fluent in Spanish: Start from an Early Age at SchoolLearn Fluent Spanish through Spanish ClassesHow Long to Learn Spanish: Not Long if You Move to a Spanish Speaking CountryStudying the Spanish Language In Order to Stand Out ProfessionallyDid you know that Spanish is a language that is used by around 440 million people as their mother tongue around the world? This makes it the second most spoken language by number of native speakers after only Mandarin Chinese.This means that a lot of time and effort is dedicated to learning this language worldwide, not just because of the doors it opens because of the vast amount of native speakers, but also because the UN uses Spanish as one of its 6 official languages. Other international organisations such as the European Union, Interpol, and the World Trade Organisation also use Spanish in an official capacity.This makes it one of the main languages taught in classrooms in English speaking countries across the world, alongs ide other European languages such as French and German. And when it comes to learning a language, people want to know how long it will take them to reach fluency, and what is the most effective way of learning a foreign language quickly.There are a number of things that you need to know to become fluent in Spanish quickly. In this article we will look at some of the best ways to learn Spanish fast, as well as some of the things that you need to know, such as the professional motivations of doing so.Learn to Speak Spanish with SuperprofSuperprof gives you the opportunity to find a Spanish tutor in your local area in order to progress quickly and easily in your quest to conquer the Spanish language.This is one of the best methods to learn Spanish!Unlike websites and applications, calling on a private tutor means having someone along for the ride of learning.You can find teachers, higher education students, and even native Spanish speaking teachers on Superprof.The following things are often on the schedule:Learn Spanish vocabulary by heartSpanish spelling, grammar, and conjugationIrregular verbsDialogueSpanish translationAnd many other elements…But the great thing about finding a tutor with Superprof is that the teacher can tailor their classes to your needs. If you want to have a good conversational Spanish level, then you can focus on speaking. If you want to have a good grasp of the tenses then you can focus on tenses.And what's more, the first class is very often free, meaning that you can decide if the teacher is the right one for you before you commit to more classes!Learning Spanish with a private tutor means that your language learning is very much in your own hands, and you can therefore learn more intensively if you wish. In doing so you will be able to learn Spanish faster than by just having one lesson a week, but remember that you will need a heap of determination and self-motivation to keep progressing.How Long to Learn Spanish: Not Long if You M ove to a Spanish Speaking CountryWhat's better than immersing oneself in Spanish culture to learn to speak the language?There is no concrete answer to how long it takes to learn Spanish, but an immersive trip to a Spanish speaking country is definitely your best option to do it as quickly as possible. A trip to Spain is a great way to learn to speak Spanish, but you aren't just limited to this Iberian kingdom.There are 20 independent Spanish speaking countries for you to choose from, each offering a unique experience and a difficult culture to wow you with.Of course, before you leave, we advise you to know some language basics and to have some Spanish vocabulary that will be useful to start your new adventure.Spanish bilinguals will tell you that there is no better way to learn Spanish than to live in the country and to immerse yourself in culture.A Spanish immersion in Madrid, for example, will allow you (through work and daily life) to progress very quickly by being totally expose d to a new linguistic environment.How to speak Spanish fluently? Move to Madrid of course!You can also buy some books to learn Spanish before you leave. These Spanish books will allow you to acquire the basics of the language. They are often accompanied by CDs for faster learning.Studying the Spanish Language In Order to Stand Out ProfessionallyToday, in the business world,  English remains of the utmost importance. However, professionals are also beginning to emphasise  the importance of foreign languages such as Spanish, Mandarin, and Russian.Spanish, like English, is accessible. However, the same cannot be said of Chinese and Russian, which will require much more work before a language learner becomes perfectly bilingual.Being a Spanish bilingual will mean you can occupy important positions in major international companies, especially with regards to companies who operate in, or deal with, Latin America, which is a growing market.Spanish language skills will open many doors for y ou and your professional career.In fact, the British Council named Spanish as the number one language for the future  due to its widespread use and the growth of the Latin American economies. This means that people who can speak both Spanish and English will be in high demand over the next few years, especially at companies who do overseas trade, or who have overseas operations.Stick with it to See the Full BenefitsIn addition to learning in the classroom, there are many tools available to students and adults to deepen their knowledge and vocabulary in order to learn the language of Pablo Picasso.So, how difficult is it to learn Spanish?Well, it will take a little bit of work--and could prove difficult in some cases, but you are more likely to learn Spanish than Russian. At least you won't have to learn a whole new alphabet. It's not Chinese either, which would be even harder.If you think that learning Spanish will be hard via a tutoring service or through a class, then why not join a Spanish film or book club? Watching movie in the original Spanish with English subtitles could open up whole new linguistic possibilities!It's just an idea, and could be fun! Especially if you make new friends in the club who help you to learn faster. The key to any friendship is communication, and communicating could definitely learn new vocabulary words and get you on the way to being a full bilingual!What's more, the similarities between Spanish and French mean that you could even end up using the French language skills that you learnt at school but thought you would never ever use again.Once you get a hang of the language, nothing can stop you! Make sure you take your time and practise the phrases that are important for your learning progress.You are almost there!

Learning Arabic in Arabic-speaking Countries

Learning Arabic in Arabic-speaking Countries Going to an Arabic-speaking Country to Learn Arabic ChaptersWhy Learn Arabic through Immersion?The Formalities when Studying in Arabic-speaking Countries10 Tips for Studying in Arabic-speaking CountriesChoosing a University in an Arabic-speaking Country“Patience is the key to well-being” - Muhammad (pbuh)Heading to one of the 22 countries in the Arab League (countries with Arabic as an official language) is the best way to learn the different aspects of the Arabic language: the writing system, Arabic vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, the history of the language and its culture, etc.Arabic is the language used in the Islamic faith and is spoken in both Middle Eastern countries and across North Africa.There's nothing better than going to somewhere like Dubai for learning how to speak Arabic. There are more than 70 universities and training centres and the United Arab Emirates regularly tops the lists for the quality of its teaching.Education in Arab-speaking countries is a top priority. In fact, investment in education in the Midd le East and North Africa (MENA) is 5.3% of the GDP of the country.For example, in the US, this figure is only 4.9%.So are you ready to learn Arabic and more about Arab culture?In this article, we'll be looking at the reasons behind learning Arabic through immersion, what you'll need in terms of visas and paperwork, tips for studying in Arabic-speaking countries, and how to pick the right university in an Arabic-speaking nation. HalimaArabic Teacher £13/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KotaibaArabic Teacher 5.00 (3) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SoledadArabic Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NancyArabic Teacher 5.00 (1) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TaouesArabic Teacher £8/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DinaArabic Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AbrarArabic Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors UsamaArabic Teacher 5.00 (1) £17/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhy Learn Arabic through Immersion?Linguistic immersion and stepping outside of your comfort zone are some of the best ways to learn a foreign language.Living in a country where the language is spoken is a great way to learn. (Source: jpeter2)By heading abroad you’ll have to change your routine, your cultural identity, and your everyday language.  It’s like having a second life as an adult.Learning Arabic by speaking every day in an Arabic-speaking country, be it with a host family, at work, in a language school, or as part of a language exchange programme, is a great way to regularly practise your new language every day of the week.Through immersion, students can perfect their Arabic and also learn more about the culture and history of the country they’re living in, the history of the Islam, customs in the Arab world, family traditions, Arabic literature, etc.Arabic is a Semitic language and Arabic words have a system of triconsonantal roots.  Reading (from right to left), writin g, and speaking Arabic is famous for being difficult. By spending time in the Persian Gulf, the Arabian Peninsula, or the Maghreb, learning Arabic is fun, interesting, useful, and fast!There are plenty of reasons to study in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, in Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, or Morocco:Learning to speak Arabic fluentlyHaving an unforgettable timeLearning foreign languages more quicklyIncreasing your linguistic skillsLearning more about different culturesSeeing the outside worldMeeting new peopleLearning new skills for your career.Have you always dreamt of going to the Persian Gulf or North Africa?Soon your dream will come true!The Formalities when Studying in Arabic-speaking CountriesYou have to prepare for a trip to an Arabic-speaking country, or anywhere else for that matter.You'll need to get a visa if you want to study in Arab countries. (Source: Pamjpat)There are a lot of formalities before you can move to an Arabic speaking country.  There’s one thing that most Ar abic-speaking countries tend to have in common: you need to pay for your classes and request a student visa or a residency permit.12.3% of students in the middle east going to university in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as opposed to the 8.5% going to Jordan.The best destinations for learning to speak Arabic are probably Egypt, Jordan, or the UAE.Why?The Arabic spoken in these regions is closest to Modern Standard Arabic, the literary form of Arabic which is understood by the majority of Arabic speakers.For example, Moroccan and Tunisian Arabic have been influenced Berber and is hugely different from that of the Mashreq people in the UAE, whose mother tongue is a dialect of Arabic known as Levantine.  Levantine Arabic is the dialect closest to Egyptian Arabic.Anyway, let’s get back to the topic in hand, to study in Dubai, Amman, or Cairo, you’ll need to get a student visa.To study in Cairo, you’ll first need a tourist visa, which costs $15. Afterwards, you can demand an exten sion to a student visa once you’re there.Would you like to study in Dubai?The student visa, which is valid for 12 months, can cost up to £600 and universities have tuition fees of up to £15,000. You’ll also need sponsorship from the university and a letter of recommendation.Keep in mind that the cost of living in Dubai is very high. Many students need a loan to cover the costs.You’ll then need medical insurance that’s valid in the United Arab Emirates.  If you can’t borrow money from the bank, you may be eligible for a bursary (if you’ve got good grades).Funding agencies include:Royal familiesThe host universityThe UK universityYou could always ask for a scholarship from the Qatar University including the student visa, return flights, and lodging.Keep in mind that you can request a scholarship in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, or Morocco, even though the cost of living in North Africa is lower than elsewhere in the world.10 Tips for Studying in Arabic-s peaking CountriesWhether you’re studying in the Persian Gulf or North Africa, there are always risks.Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, is famous for being one of the best destinations to learn Arabic. (Source: enjoytheworld)The Middle East and North Africa often get bad press following the Arab Spring uprisings against Ben Ali, Mubarak, Gaddafi, and Bashar al-Assad and the conflicts in certain countries as well as terrorism.Generally speaking, the areas in the Arab League that should be avoided are:Border regionsInland regions in AlgeriaLibyaWestern EgyptSyriaIrakSomaliaThe safest countries include Morocco, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Jordan, Eastern Egypt, and Lebanon.Before you leave, we recommend you get intensive Arabic lessons from a private tutor so that you can get around once you’re there.  English and French speakers are in luck as in Lebanon and North Africa as there are populations who speak these languages. That said, you should still learn Arabic for everyday use.Here’s our advice for going to an Arabic-speaking country:Getting Arabic lessonsFinding out which cities to study ArabicChecking the alert level for the countryRequesting a student visaApplying for a scholarshipLooking for accommodationBuying flightsGetting health insuranceGetting all the essential documents (passport, visa, driving licence, admission letters, etc.)Contacting British authoritiesLearning about local customsSpending time in an Arabic-speaking country will make you aware of how much Western Europe and Arabic culture have in common.Choosing a University in an Arabic-speaking CountryMorocco, Jordan, and the United Arab Emirates are the three safest Arabic-speaking countries you can study in.A year at a university in Dubai could really help your career. (Source: Free-Photos)Almost nobody goes to study in Mogadishu, Baghdad, or Damascus.  Students tend to go to Doha, Abu Dhabi, or Amman. Abu Dhabi is the only place in the world to have a neighbourhood dedicated to un iversity study.You’ll need to think of certain things before you start applying to different universities:Your level in ArabicBudgetCareer optionsSafety in the countryThe type of Arabic you want to learn (literary Arabic, Egyptian Arabic, standard Arabic, etc.)The cost of livingJob opportunitiesLiving in certain countries isn’t ideal. For example, Saudi Arabia doesn’t have the best record when it comes to women’s rights.  On the other hand, practising Muslims can study science with the best teachers in a Muslim school. You can also choose a school according to your level, too.In Dubai, Morocco, Tunisia, and Lebanon, university places are very competitive. If you are planning on studying in one of these universities, you’re going to have to work hard and get good results.Find great Arabic courses London now.Unfortunately, universities in Arab countries are also victims of socio-economic inequality.  If you’re still interested, you’re going to have to really work for it andBefore you go, you should consider learning some Arabic here in the UK with private tutors. On Superprof, you can get private tutorials, online Arabic course, or even group tutorials.One on one private tutorials offer the best in terms of tuition but also cost the most per hour. Online tutorials are cheaper as the tutor doesn't have to factor travel into their hourly rates.Group tutorials are the cheapest option as the cost is split between the students. However, this means you won't get the lessons tailored to you as you would in the other two options.

Transformation Math Tutors

Transformation Math Tutors Transformations in math refer to the ways in which a given geometric shape can be transformed in the coordinate plane by the methods of reflection, rotation, translation or dilation. The process of reflection, rotation and translation mean that the given shape is being flipped, turned or moved respectively in a certain direction in the coordinate plane. However, with these three methods the objects size never changes and stays the same. But Dilation is a method in which the objects size is changed by a certain scale factor. Example 1: In an X-Y coordinate plane, ABCD is rectangle where point A is at (1, 4). The image of the rectangle ABCD has the point A at (-3, -1). Which transformation is used here? Given: point A= (1, 4) and point A= (-3, -1) Since the points have been moved, hence the transformation used here is Translation! The x coordinate has changed from 1 to -3 =change= 1 (-3) = 4 units to the left. The y coordinate has changed from 4 to -1== change= 4 (-1) = 5 units down. Example 2: The length of a side of an object is 6 units. The length of the image of the same object is 18units. Which transformation is used here? Given: object side length = 6 units Image side length = 18 units. Here, clearly the size of the object has been changed since the length of the object is changed. Therefore the transformation used here is Dilation. Scale factor = (Image length) / (Object length) = 18/6 = 3 This implies that the object has been enlarged by a scale factor of 3!

What Are The Different Hindi Dialects Spoken in India and Which Should I Learn

What Are The Different Hindi Dialects Spoken in India and Which Should I Learn Which of the Hindi Dialects of India Should You Learn? ChaptersWhat is the Hindi Belt?Hindi and Urdu: One Language, Two Languages or Two Dialects?Learning Hindi: Hindi Dialects in IndiaIndian Hindi Creoles and PidginsHindi Dialects Outside of the Indian SubcontinentWhich Hindi Dialect Should You Learn?It’s hard enough to try and figure out which language of India you should learn - Sindhi, Telugu, or Tamil? Or maybe Punjabi? Is it easier to learn an Indo-European language or will you dare to try one from the Dravidian language family?But once you have decided on Hindustani as the language in India with the most speakers and as being the most universally understood, you still find yourself confronted with the question:Is there only one dialect of Hindi? If not, which should you learn?Superprof is here to help! if not, or if you already speak and read Arabic and don’t want to learn another new alphabet, Urdu is the way to go. You’ll be understood on either side of the border anyway.However, if you are more interested on an academic l evel, you will notice greater differences in the language of poetry and literature, and you will have to consider whether you prefer Muslim literature or Hindu literature. However, if you find yourself in a bind and can’t decide - and don’t mind studying on the other side of the Pond - the University of Texas offers combined Hindi-Urdu language programs.Hindi is written using the Devanagar script. Photo credit: on VisualHuntIf you choose Hindi, it’s probably best to stick with the standardised version. Everyone in the Hindi Belt and much of North India will understand standardised Hindi, and if you are moving to India you will soon pick up the local dialect - it’s easier to find Hindi lessons near you than a teacher who speaks Awadhi or Bundeli.However, if you are moving to Fiji or the Andaman Islands, finding a tutor who can teach you the local Creole is the way to go - maybe you can find Fiji Hindi class online to help you out.Whichever you choose, when learn ing Hindi, make certain that your teacher or language coach speaks Hindi as his or her mother tongue. Many Indians understand Hindi (Bollywood again) but didn’t grow up speaking it. They might have a good grasp of Hindi vocabulary, maybe even speak it relatively fluently, but they won’t know the finer points of grammar and idiom the way a native speaker would.